I think I figured out what these want. At first I thought I just wasn't watering them enough, and more humidity would help, but I thought about it a bit more.
I got them back in the summer, and had them outside, and they were so beautiful.
But then I had to bring them in for fall/winter, and since then they've gotten like this
And it just hit me that they're not only being underwatered. They liked the outdoor summer conditions, and the house is much cooler and less lighted.
The red one is obviously the more forgiving of the two, and I think it will bounce back once it gets higher light.
The green one, though... I don't even know whether or not it can be saved. The end of the rhizome is still green and fleshy, and the leaf stems aren't shriveled, so I guess that's something?
I've placed them in a spare 5.5 gallon tank for now, and then I'll work on getting them some lighting. I have an extra clamp lamp lying around somewhere. I don't think I can do much about the temperature, though.