I pronounce it to rhyme with face or space.
Things are (mis) pronounced differently all over the world.
I grew up in Indiana, where a small town in the southeastern part of the state is spelled Versailles, but is locally pronounced "Ver-sales".

I didn't know it should be pronounced any differently until I was in my teens. Hoosiers seem particularly unkind to pronouncing the French language - "Vincennes" in southwest Indiana is also pronounced poorly. I am just as guilty. Probably best that I attempted learning German in college and Spanish later on; not sure my pronunciation of those languages is an improvement though.
I nearly fell out of my chair hearing a BBC announcer pronounce Don Quixote as "Don quick sot"

I've heard that pronunciation more than once on the BBC.
---------- Post added at 07:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:40 AM ----------
Oh, remembered one more -
Almost universally in the USA, aluminum is "ah-LOO-mih-num". I always hear it as "al-you-MIN-i-um" when spoken by UK English speakers, and I think that there may be an extra "i" in the spelling near the end of the word on the other side of the pond.