Hi everybody
Does anyone have experience on mimosa pudica care?
I got this one in summer but kept deteriorating really bad as u can see..everyday some leaves turn yellow and drop..any advice on its care? Thank u in advance!
I haven't grown them since I was a kid, I remember then that we never managed to keep them long.
I've just been reading about them here and it says they are often treated as an annual because they deteriorate after flowering and younger plants look better. Has yours flowered? I wonder if that's just how they go after flowering
It needs a lot of light as I remember (and as indicated in the article linked to above). There are more care tips in that article.
I was fascinated with this plant when I was very young, it probably pushed me toward other horticultural pursuits, but I haven't had one in at least 30 years. Three things I would consider... Is it getting enough light? Is it staying too wet? Does it have spider mites - especially in warm low humidity conditions?