I'm a fan of
Ficus Benjamina.
I have more then a dozen in different sizes. I have ones in 3 inches pots and a few patio-trees in 24 inch pots.
I have the green leafed, a pair of the variegated, and some of the 'starlight' variety.
On the lower trunk of my 6 foot 'starlight' tree I noticed a new side-branch and never got around to taking it off.
For this tree I like a clean trunk for the lower 4 feet.
Well some months have passed and I've watch this side branch slowly grow.
It's weird. The 1st three leaves had the normal green and white colors, but were deformed.
All the other new leaves (over 50 now) are totally white.
I check google and bing and can't find any mention, or pictures, of Ficus trees with totally white leaves, except for artificial ones.
Anyone ever heard about/seen any?
I'm really good about getting Ficus cuttings to root, over 95% success rate, but I'm not going to try and make this into a cutting so late in the season.
Here's a pair pics from both sides...