Hello, everyone! I Hope this isn't a large can of worms i opened here!
I am aware that Gov. Pence has made amendments to the original law (which initially he swore, over and over, he would never do.....), but the damage was done. The State of Indiana is still losing so much over this law. Again, I do not believe you can legislate "proper" or "acceptable" behavior in a country founded on diversity and freedom.
And yes, I realize that some people have been sued in other states, because they would not serve gay patrons. But look back at history. Do you realize that initially and until very recently, racial discrimination, and yes, even slavery, were justified by many religious groups based on twisted translations of the scripture?
Time and again in America we see examples of how you cannot stem the tide of progress, instead you just waste your time fighting against certain groups obtaining the basic freedoms of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that this country has always stated it was built on.
For some reason, people think that it is perfectly fine to treat the LGBT community like second-class citizens or sub-humans, who do not deserve equal rights under the law....Indiana has NO protection for gay or lesbian people....I can be fired if my boss decides he is morally opposed to my orientation, and there is no legal recourse I can take. But still I choose to live here, because I believe in the people of this State, although now I really question the Powers That Be.
Yet, many people think that my orientation is a choice. Really? Who would choose to live a life that could offer little more than negative ramifications in every aspect of that life - personal relationships, employment, religion, ect. I am not stupid enough to make such a choice and I know of no other LGBT members who would be. The only choice I was given was whether to be honest about myself and be as happy as I can or to live as if I weren't who I am and be miserable. I choose to be honest and happy.
Why is the highest suicide rate among teens among among gay teens - not just higher, but astronomically higher. Does that really sound like a group of people who is embracing their orientation, or do they appear to be well aware of what an alternative life results in?
At 56 years old, I have come to love who I am and my orientation. I do not thrust my life down anyone's throats, yet many feel that they can restrict my life because they want me to conform to their beliefs or in some way "make me pay" for my orientation. I am what I am......... I fought it for many years, I prayed on it regularly (still do), went through years of therapy, but in the end, I am what I am and I love who I love. And that opens me up to losing the same basic rights that others freely share.
As far as the "Picture of Mohammed" issue that was brought up earlier, I think that would be easy to refuse to do, especially after the Charlie Hebdo attack. Doing something like that would be life endangering and with the precedents on the record I cannot conceive any jury finding for the plaintiff in such a case.
Again, I really did not desire to get at odds with anyone here, but such subjects are sometimes hard to discuss in such forums.
But, if you believe that LGBT orientation is morally wrong or makes a person acceptable to be discriminated against, ask yourself this - "What if you are wrong?" -- forget what you learned in Sunday School for a minute - what if the Word has been mistranslated and distorted, because it was socially acceptable to do so. What if there is a slim chance you are wrong. We have seen this occur throughout history, as is exactly what occurred with racial discrimination prior to the 1960's in this country. So, what if you are misled and all this time YOU are the one that is committing the wrong of not loving your neighbor as yourself or being guilty of passing judgement on others?
Thanks for letting me get this off my chest ( I seem to have a lot on my chest this weekend). Hope I have not offended anyone. That was not my intent. Sorry for turning this into a "Gay Rant", but that is really the heart of this whole issue, isn't it?
---STOP WATCHING SNL ????!!!??? - Sorry, won't do that. I started watching it the year it started, and have not missed a year since, good or bad. I realize it is a satirical comedy show and that this is just temporary fodder for them - but the fact that Indiana has been jeered so much, not only on that show but in many other venues, indicates the amount of damage that Gov. Pence's personal beliefs have brought to this State.
Thanks again for the other perspectives. I understand them, but cannot agree with them, because I was born on the other side of the fence.....
(BTW- Happy Easter to all of you! Our church service was wonderful and I realized I have to forgive even the Govenor - We all make mistakes, but it still stings.....gotta work on that "total" forgiveness part!