All that brings back memories from not so long ago! Luckily I'm not much of a drinker, so I can actually
remember what happened most of the time!
I don't think I can top you guys, but I think the most memorable time was when my entire class (only 10 of us!) went camping for a week in the south of france to celebrate the end of final exams. We would toss the empty bottles in an inflatable raft behind the tents and at the end of the week we were shocked to see 40 vodka bottles there, and another 40 bottles of assorted drinks (beer, rum, wine, pastis...)
Since we nearly got kicked out of the camp several times, we spent the nights drinking by the lake. However, one night we didn't bring enough water with us to mix with the Pastis, so the (very drunk) guys started to mix the drinks with lake water.... gross.
The funniest was when we would stumble drunkenly back to camp at 8am and all the campers would say good morning. You should have seen the looks on their faces when we answered 'good night' !