Just got two wee pinguicula in the mail. They are adorable! Completely waterlogged. I have some kind of special media coming for them that I guess is sand based? They seem to be pretty easy to care for. Advice welcomed.
Actually, pings are NOT bog plants, contrary to the belief of many people. However P. primuliflora can grow near streams and other wet environments, and is considered to be one of the more wet-tolerant pings. You should still keep it evenly moist, not sopping wet.
I don't have this exact ping but I grow mine in a bark/peat/sand mix, topped with NZ sphagnum moss. When I give away divisions, I pot them in good quality NZ sphagnum. They seem to thrive in both. I always have them sitting in water and only ever use distilled or rain water. If I accidentally water them when I am fertilizing my other plants, I flush them very well with rain or distilled water. I hope this helps. Good luck!
I think I vastly underestimated watering needs. I let them get dry. I'm trying to resuscitate them in an NZ spagh/perlite/orchiata mix in plastic pots in saucers with water. But I'm not super hopeful. I might have to try again with new plants.
I believe that primuliflora likes to stay significantly more moist (almost boglike) than its Mexican counterparts, which seem to like to dry out and don't like constantly wet/damp feet. I don't grow any of the temperate pinguicula, but is it possible that it is entering dormancy because of the shock of going dry? Pretty sure that this one does have a dormancy.
Reliablefool is correct ; primuliflora tolerates sopping conditions much better than others pings ; in their natural habitat, they can even be found in flood-like conditions! They do require a dormancy as well, but I'm not so sure about the temps and what not. The more important part is to keep them dry when their leaves look succulent-like.
If you feel like your plants might die, pick off a few good looking leaves and try cuttings as a backup.
There aren't any good leaves left. I'll keep them in the moss and saucer and see what happens over the next couple of days. I have a feeling they are toast though and I'll be trying again.
It's funny...orchids are the only plant I've ever been successful with (and so far I can only take credit for roots and leaves).