Jade plants can survive the cold well, as long as they are kept dry. Or even if they get badly cold damaged especiallly a deep freeze, they bounce back fast as soon as warmer temps return. But I do find that if I place my plants nearer to the house they fare better.
We have no snow here, but we do get the rains around winter time if it does come or sometimes the occasional deep freeze. I notice if it is like Jades with more mature stems, it can survive it. But if it is younger ones, it may not make it.
To give an example here: This is my Crassula ovata 'Gollum' badly damaged during our winter of 2012:
Badly damaged tips,
I repotted it and this is how it looked like later in the year:
And same plant this 2014
My other jade plant, the more common Crassula argentea which I have placed nearer to the house just made that deep burgundy chilled color on its leaves, but otherwise, it was okay.
If you have an overhang or even patio cover, and keep them dry they should do good. I have learned not to touch the leaves if some goes really awful looking, most succulents will form a scab at the most badly injured area, effectively protecting the rest of the plant. So I do my maintenance/clean up/repot in Spring when temps warm up. So if they are planted in containers, and you see the damage, just move them back in a dry spot, leave them alone, and just wait for better temps and conditions to return, to lessen the stress.