Just had to share a photo of the first blooms from these four o'clocks, which were grown from seed. I have never grown these before, but they will now be regulars in my garden!
Very nice. I really like the white one with a hint of yellow and pink striping.
I love my four O'clock tubers.
I have three kinds.
Super fragrant ones. The striped kind like yours.
And one that throws out plain flowers, but in every available colour.
Yellow next to pink next to red next to white.
Even my other ones are prone to throwing out completely different coloured flowers.
They also smell quite nice in the late afternoon when they open.
You can also grow these like perennial in milder climate. They form large tuber like root systems, and each passing year, the plant gets bigger, almost like a shrub covered with tons of flowers!
I prefer plain magenta and yellow, but sometimes they come out spotted, streaked like in this thread, and even more interesting, sectioned (half magenta and half yellow, or one section magenta and the other four sections yellow). Fun to see how the genetics play out in flower colors.
NYCorchidman, I didn't know they could do that! Do you think it would be possible for me to dig up the tubers in the fall and replant them in the spring?