Wow Greg, you lost 20-30 phals! That is my entire collection .
You better check that heater! What a frightening thought!
I am bracing myself for summer, last Christmas we had 41C (106F). We had mostly cold seafood for our Christmas lunch, roast turkey was out of the question!
I know of a guy that lost 90% of his orchids to a failed heater and freezing temps. Icicles were hanging from some of the plants, some of which he had paid several hundreds of dollars for.
i had to move all my orchids (30) from the greenhouse last week, as it just would,nt stay above 10c diring the night
i also lost some real nice phals last year. so better safe then sorry. i use electric heaters and just don,t trust the hydro. its -39c with the windchill factor.
orchids are in the basenent now under lights. i have never done this before. so i hope they,ll be ok