Pretty easy plant -- average care is fine. However:
1) To keep the purple hairs you must make sure it gets bright light. IME, if light levels are too low, the hairs will be shed and new ones never grow to replace them on an old leaf. For that matter, new leaves will not have the hairs at all if light levels are too low. Some direct morning or evening sun is fine. (I'd say aim for onc to catt light conditions ... but that may vary somewhat depending upon your latitude.)
2) The orange flowers, when they are produced, are nothing to write home about. (Envision the tuft at the center of a blooming dandelion without the larger surrounding petals.) Also the flowers stink. Just how bad depends upon -- their number, your proximity, warmth -- the warmer the more "fragrant", and your nose's sensitivity.
Btw, should you be interested in such things, its correct name is Gynura aurantiaca.
Last edited by Paul; 02-07-2014 at 04:18 PM..