Love this thread!
I have added some more cps's in my collection. Last year I got Sarracenia psittacina and in late Fall Sarracenia purpurea and a drosera.
It was my Sarracenia's first winter outdoors, so I have been observing how it goes. Sarracenia psittacina is ghastly right now, really dormantly ugly. Sarracenia purpurea on the other hand not that bad, it did manage to make a new pitcher. So Sarracenia psittacinia is just so ugly dormant right I just cut off those dead parts later as temps improve or do I wait for signs that the plant is waking up?
I kept my drosera indoors sitting in water, beside my other orchids. It was busy making blooms all winter long.
Then last Saturday at the Pacific Orchid Expo, there were lots of cp vendors, and I decided to buy one a nepenthes, the tag says Nepenthes densiflora x spathulata x spectabile. Such a long name. But it does look interesting. So far I have this one by our windowsill near the kitchen sink. It has one well formed pitcher and is trying to grow another one right now. I have been reading more about Nepenthes and it seems there are lowland and highland varieties. I think the one I got is a highland one.
My Sarracenia psittacina when I got it around June 2014, it was in bloom too, those blooms lasted quite long:

Same plant by Oct 2014
Winter dormant Sarracenia psittacina
Sarracenia purpurea - added this one around Fall
This Pinguicula I also got in Fall and it bloomed this winter:
This is my oldest Pinguicula, always in bloom in late Fall to Winter, has grown so much already
The new Nepenthes densiflora x spathulata x spectabile I got from the Pacific Orchid Expo:
Oh, and this is the Drosera I got around Fall:
I have not done any repotting yet..I feel my oldest Pinguicula needs to move to a bigger container soon..and my Sarracenia psittacina may also need a repot..but I am honestly unsure how to do it right now. I am trying to find a good peat media. I hate those that have enriched to find just a simple peat base and some nice sphagnum moss.