I've had this anubias nana for about ten years. It has moved aquariums several times and has been in my aquariums since I set up my very first freshwater planted tank in 2003. I'd heard they bloomed, but was told that it never happened in an aquarium setting, because these plants are actually bog plants that get borrowed for the aquarium hobby.
I purchased a second anubias nana when I set up this ten gallon incarnation of my freshwater planted aquarium about two years ago. I moved both plants near each other to form a sort of larger looking bush. Since then, the older plant has seemed to thrive, putting up about a new leaf a month. Both plants have been growing steadily for me.
Recently, however, I neglected to do water changes on my aquarium for a few months. I've started doing water changes again... and suddenly, my anubias nana rewards me with this:
That's gotta be a bloom spike! I've never seen any growth like this on the plant in ten years. Whatever I'm doing, I must be doing it right, at long last!