Originally Posted by RandomGemini
That, I would be interested in trying. How are you watering the seedlings? Self-watering container?
Right now they are in the bottom of one of those clear plastic strawberry containers from the grocery store that has several air vents all around the top and the bottom. I've been keeping a piece of plastic wrap lying loosely over the top. I place a double thickness of paper towel on the bottom which come up the sides about an inch. I just use a squirt bottle to wet the paper towel from the outside right now. Once the seedlings are big enough to actually see... *grin* I'll start opening it up and spritzing with a bottle. I wish now I had made the potting mix a little bit deeper, say about two inches. I have about an inch and I don't know if that will support the seedlings until the first transplant into a compot. I hope it does.
These were the smallest seeds I have ever worked with. I'm amazed at how tiny they are. I imagine orchid seeds being just about the same.