I've never actually understood why people thought roses were finicky. I've always heard that, but I don't really do much with mine and they bloom beautifully for me every year. I don't even cover them in the winter. I just leave them be and trim them back hard in March or April, right before they come out of hibernation. I give them some granules of fertilizer after I've trimmed them and start up the automatic sprinkler system (this is probably my saving grace here, LOL!) and then I leave them alone and don't bother them again until next year, unless one of the branches grows into the walkway, then I will cut it back so that the dogs don't come inside with giant rose thorns in their noses.
Edited to add: I will see what I can come up with today. It's not quite cold enough for the ground to have frozen solid yet, the sun is shining now, so I might be able to get a pot shaped hole dug in the rose bed. I've got a great spot for it where the larger roses I have can shield it some from the wind and winter scariness. My roses are all about five feet tall, or taller, so that should give it the cover it needs.
Last edited by RandomGemini; 11-03-2013 at 02:57 PM..