Please Proudly Post Pumpkin Perfection Pictures
OK, we are approaching Halloween again, people!
That also means we are approaching one of those times each year where we are asked to get creative and delve briefly into the visual arts. I'm talking about the carving of the pumpkin to create the Jack-o-lantern!
I thought it would be fun to post some photos of the Jack-o-lanterns we've come up with for Halloween. It can be the one you carved for this year, or one you carved previously that you happened to have photographed. It can be funny or scary, the good, the bad or the ugly, one that you carved, one your kids carved, or one that your Aunt Edna or neighbor Charlie carved. Heck, if you dressed your cat or your toddler like a pumpkin for trick-or-treat, post that picture too!
So folks, show us your creative chops - what have you got?
Orchid Whisperer