I don't know why but I want some cute bright neoregelias and there are no crazy colors to be had at any of my local haunts. I looked on Davesgarden but thought I would check here too for good mail order sources for neoregelias. I was thinking of rainforest flora or a top seller on ebay. Any recs?
Thanks, Laura
Tropiflora is the only one coming to mind right now, but there are a bunch of other good online sellers. Also check on Dendroboard (frog and terrarium forum), dart froggers grow lots of Neos in their tanks. You can do a text search there or look at the Plants and Plant Supplies subforums, they probably have some stickies (I'd check for you but no time right now... ). Hope this helps!
Last edited by gnathaniel; 07-30-2013 at 01:35 PM..
I will check those out, thank you!
I saw this blog post several days ago and now I have bromeliad fever: danger garden: Bromeliads in the garden
The Billbergia 'Hallelujah' is too pretty-must have it.