This is a "mini" cyclamen. It stands about 8in tall. So it is actually the midsized compare to two other commonly sold varieties, which are "large" and "super mini".
I love "mini" cyclamen and buy a few (red, white, and pink) in November when they become available.
They last for many months and some are even fragrant all day all night, like this little pink one I have.
This one is rather special because all others finished blooming at the end of winter and turned yellow.
You can keep them and bring them back in the fall, but they are only $5 and last for a long time, so I toss them after blooming is finished.
This pink one didn't go yellow and instead grew some more nice heart-shaped leaves and even flowers. It just doesn't want to hibernate for the summer.
So I am enjoying the second blooming of this lovely little plant now. The summer heat is not here yet, so who knows how long this blooming will last, but I find it interesting.
I have hard time capturing the pretty color in the picture but the first one is the closest.
There are lots more flower stems emerging under the leaves, which are also pleasing to look at.