Hi NYCorchidman,
I was actually cruising the forums looking for info on how to prevent mosquitos from breeding in the water trays under my orchids. But, I saw your post and thought I'd chime in.
I live in Brooklyn!
I don't know how you've avoided mosquitoes in the past few years. But, they are everywhere, here. I believe there's actually a new skeeter in town that's active during the day...the Asian Tiger Mosquito. You might have noticed it. It's slow-flying and black with white bands on its legs.
Our recent warmer winters and wet summers have led to an explosion of the mosquito population.
Aside from the itchy annoyance, there is the possibility of getting West Nile Virus.
Soooooooo, whatever you can do to avoid getting bitten is probably a good idea.
BTW...I've hear that Avon's "Skin So Soft" lotion is actually a good skeeter repellant.
Good luck, after all the rain we've had lately.
Fellow New Yawker,