Dec. 21st 2012 and the World's End
So, I would like to know what everyone's thoughts on this topic are. Do you have any, have you heard of this before?
Their are claims that many cultures such as the Mayan and their calendar which ends on Dec. 21 2012 (the winter equinox), and our own with revelation or what not, Nostradamus etc... and more point to the same date as the end of days. Including a computer program that scans the internet for news articles and theories etc.
If its true that all these things actually do point to that day, then yea, I'm a bit freaked out. If not, then I'll be busy getting Christmas gifts for my family that day.
To me there is no doubt that this world, the way we live and experience it is going to end. Humanity is approaching a swift conclusion, or drastic change. Its all very simple to me. How many fish can you put in a fish tank(over population) before they all start running out of enough food(famine), the water gets dirty(pollution), they get aggressive (war), they get sick(diseases), and finally die out (extinction-->end of world).
I did that to my fish tanks a few times (never intentionaly ofcourse)but its the same lesson that humanity in my opinion has yet to understand.
if you notice, reports on global warming/climate change are everywhere, every day. The world is finally waking up to the cold reality, but is it enough? Will we act.
Your thoughts and comments appreciated.
P.S. what would you do with your orchid collections if you knew you had 5 years of civilization left before water, safety, potting supplies and all the things we need to take care of our collection disappeared? Assuming you have already taken enough precautions to protect your families.
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"
Goblin Market
by Christina Georgina Rossetti
Last edited by Tindomul; 11-02-2007 at 02:13 PM..