I have a bit of an issue. I have a small vegeeetable garden which I love and which after many years of mixing manures, etc through has started to really provide well for me. Unfortunately our recent wet weather brought out a flush of bright yellow nasty looking toadstools which are driving me insane. If they were just in the regular garden I wouldn't care but they are in amongst my lettuces, etc and I don't know if they are poisonous. I am pulling out upwards of 40 every day and still more come and I can see the myccorhiza all through the soil underneath.
Does anyone know of a product I can spray on the soil which is going to be safe around my vegies? I looked at the nursery today but the only antifungal I could find had a six week with-holding period after use before we could eat the veg, that's almost the whole growing season gone then! I wouldn't min a few days or even a week but that's far too long