KultureShock is no-longer a store. Revamping to a tissue culture super resource.
In light of the recent trouble i've been having i have decided to stop selling pre-mixed products. Instead KultureShock will now focus on Home tissue culture. I will be putting up a forum for tissue culture enthusiasts to come together and help eachother with any problems they may be facing. I will also be creating a tissue culture super resource complete with a free PDF tissue-culture library that will include information and protocols on as many plants as i can gather.
If anyone would be interested in helping me with this project or if you have any protocols you would like added to the library please contact me i would love the help!
Best regards,
Kevin Disher
p.s. i will still be selling the hormones and lanolin paste for those of you interested in mixing the paste yourself. (it is incredibly easy) I just cannot legally mix them together and sell them myself.
---------- Post added at 11:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:03 PM ----------
Oh yea and the site will not be back online for probably around two weeks while i make all the changes.