Originally Posted by Call_Me_Bob
i know you never said it would be a short project, i was just motioning that it wouldnt be short..
now as far as hormones that will allow a tree, that otherwise would need to be outdoors and have that winter "rest", to thrive indoors, i believe you if you say so, but can you explain how this works? which additional hormones that you add will alleviate this potential problem, and how?
I was going to leave this for another months project and slowly describe the entire picture so as not to confuse things, but i'll give a short description now.
The hormone combination we use to help in this situation is: Brassinolide,Triacontinol and Indole-butyric Acid.
Brassinolide acts by strengthening the plants natural defense systems. causing increased resistance to drought,flooding,insect infestations(make leaves less penetrable),improves resistance to root rot, and when used in combination with Triacontinol allows plants that would normally require a dormancy period to keep growing without one.
Indole-butyric acid is useful in this situation because it eliminates symptoms of shock that can be caused by cold draft and temperature drops in the winter.
I will get into more detail once we get to that part of the project. As things are the baby tree's wont need any special dormancy treatment for the first year or so.
Also it is possible to induce dormancy in tree's grown indoors if you wanted to allow the plant to get its natural rest period.