This is part two of my documented trip. In this thread, I will be covering part of the greenhouse.

I am now in the greenhouse. It is comprised of a total of four areas. It houses their infamous titan arum which was the eleventh one to be taken a picture of in 1999. Titan arums are like your normal stinky arum but imagine the flower is 8 ft. tall. It was the first to ever bloom in California and hit international headlines. Sadly, it was dormant when I arrived.

This slipper orchid is part of the Huntington's small collection in the front of the enterance. Most of them are unlabled,

like this one.

A minature masdevallia. Don't know the species. They're all over the place in the cloud forest exhibit.

Harella ordata

Vanda carluea

A Phrag. Besseae hybrid

A tropical aquarist's dream, an indoor planted pond full of a large assortment of tropical fish. Yes, I said TROPICAL with a capital T


A maxillaria species, unlabled.

The Huntington's HUGE vanilla vine. Last time I came I got the chance to see and smell the large flowers. They smelled like their seed pods, only much lighter.