We're as ready for Hurricane Sandy as we can be. It's supposed to be nasty. We are surrounded by large trees and are praying that the wind doesn't bring any of them down (at least not on the house....). The generator my husband gave me for Christmas last year is looking pretty good about now
I picked the last flowers from the garden to enjoy while we wait out the storm.
Carrie...hunkering down here in Orange County as well!!! Flashlight, check! Candles, check! Water in the bathtub, check! Plants all in and furniture secure outside, check!
To all in Sandy's path: be safe and warm until the storm passes over!!!
I have a cousin in Ventnor and hope that she as well as the rest of you keep safe. Don't go outside until it is over because when the eye passes over there will be a calm period but the storm is not done yet. The wind will start coming from the other direction.
Be ready for lack of electricity for a good while. I hope those of you who have orchids have a safe place for them too.
Beverly A.