Anyone geeky enough to want to watch some Let's Plays? This is my friend and I (Sodoch and Tim) playing Anna (a French "horror" game I think it is), so if you're interested in listening to some heavily accented English (we're from Sweden so be prepared!), watching two idiots not being able to put two and two together in this mystery/horror game, this is something for you!
I have to warn you guys that the sound/video quality are not the best but I hope some of you might find our constant chattering and arguing a bit amusing at least. Also, it's hard to tell us apart because we sound an awful lot alike.
Here's the link to Part 1:
If you're interested you can check the rest of my friend's videos out (she's highly amusing when she plays horror games since she screams...a lot!). I'm only participating in "Let's Play Anna" and her "Sodoch and Tim plays Amnesia", the rest is all her.