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05-15-2012, 09:50 AM
Join Date: May 2005
Zone: 7b
Location: Queens, NY, & Madison County NC, US
Age: 45
Posts: 19,374
Does anyone go Bird Watching?
I have been birdwatching for about 3 years now, but this is really the first year I have been serious about it. I have gone out everyday with 1 or 2 exceptions since April. I've tallied about about 15 new life birds (birds I have never seen before in my life) and am up to 104 species for the year. Thats 104 species of birds in Queens county NYC. Wow.
I am no photographer, but birding gives me a great excuse to whip out the camera, and sometimes I manage to get some decent shots.
I hope no one minds, I would like to show off my photos in this post for several reasons.
1) Would like to get some help on photography techniques
2) Would like to show off what I got
3) Would love to show off all the pretty birds that come to NYC.
Black-throated Green Warbler-03 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Black-throated Green Warbler-02 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Black-throated Blue Warbler-02 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Black-throated Blue Warbler-04 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Blackpoll Warbler by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Blackburnian Warbler-08 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Blackburnian Warbler-04 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Black-and-White Warbler-02 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Baltimore Oriole-05 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
American Redstart-Male-01 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
American Redstart-04 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
American Goldfinch-01 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Bay-breasted Warbler-04 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
American Woodcock-01 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Barrow's Goldeneye-01 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
American Robin-01 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
American Coot by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Northern Waterthrush-01 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Yellow Warbler-20 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Yellow Warbler-02 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Wilson's Warbler-01 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Warbling Vireo-03 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Song Sparrow-01 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Scarlet Tanager-12 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (2) by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Red-eyed Vireo by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Prairie Warbler-04 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Prairie Warbler-02 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Prairie Warbler-01 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Orchard Oriole-02 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Northern Parula-01 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Nashville Warbler-05 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
White Crowned Sparrow by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Palm Warbler-08 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Yellow Throated Warbler-06 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Northern Flicker-02 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Yellow-rumped Warbler-05 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Wood Thrush-01 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Tree Swallow-02 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Snow Geese-05 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Ruddy Duck by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Ring-Necked Duck-02 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Redwing Blackbird-02 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Purple Martin-04 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Palm Warbler-06 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Ovenbird-01 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Northern Parula-02 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher-01 (2) by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Magnolia Warbler by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Chestnut-sided Warbler-07a by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Chestnut-sided Warbler-02 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Cape May Warbler-06 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Cape May Warbler-02 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Blue-Headed Vireo by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
House Wren by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Brown Thrasher by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Hermit Thrush-07 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Blue Jay-03 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Mute Swan-03 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Mallard Duck-03 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Killdeer-10 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Killdeer-04 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
House Finch-05, Queens College by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Hooded merganser-07 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Great Horned Owl - juvi by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Gray Catbird by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Golden Crowned Kinglet-05 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Golden Crowned Kinglet-02 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Glossy Ibis-02 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Eastern Phoebe-01 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Dark Eyed Junco-01 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Common Yellow Throat-05 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Common Raven by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Common Grackle by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Common Golden Eye by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Chipping Sparrow-02 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Cedar Waxwing-03 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Cedar Waxwing-02 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Cardinal-12 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Canadian Geese-01 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Brown Headed Cowbird-04 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Brants-02 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Boat Tailed Grackle-03 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
Blue Winged Warbler-02 by tindomul1of9, on Flickr
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"
Goblin Market
by Christina Georgina Rossetti
Last edited by Tindomul; 05-15-2012 at 10:10 AM..
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05-15-2012, 02:26 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 6,386
I am impressed, Tindo. Great photos and a great list of birds. We do some bird-watching, but are not as avid as some.
As to photo techniques, I have a custom setting on my camera for birds, especially in flight - high shutter speed, high speed continuous shooting, and AI servo (the camera keeps the bird in focus as you follow it with the camera).

05-15-2012, 02:29 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 6,386
Some of my photos are on Flickr.
Birds - a set on Flickr

05-15-2012, 02:31 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 6,386
Should have mentioned that I just got a new lens as well for birding, a Tamron 200-500. Have only had it out once yet and managed to get some good shots of a Harlequin Duck. I'm very pleased with the lens - for the price it is superb.

05-15-2012, 02:59 PM
Join Date: May 2005
Zone: 7b
Location: Queens, NY, & Madison County NC, US
Age: 45
Posts: 19,374
Those are some awesome finds you have Ron. That Western Tanager is a beauty!!! I love the pic of the Peregrin feeding, great capture.
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"
Goblin Market
by Christina Georgina Rossetti

05-15-2012, 03:02 PM
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Very nice, both of you! I love the blue warblers Tin. And Ron, some of yours like the swans in flight are spectacular.
Tin, sometime you need to come out to southeast PA and visit Hawk Mountain. Spotting during migration is really cool.
I also do a bit of casual birding, but I've never done a life list. I also need to get a better lens. The 70-200 just doesn't cut it.
Ron, what is your custom setting you refer to?
Right now I'm focusing on three species; the ruby-throated humming bird that has taken to dive-bombing us on our rear breakfast deck, an indigo bunting that has started visiting our feeders, and a pair of bald eagles that built a nest on the cell tower at my train station. Now they are cool. One or the other is always on guard as we cross the Susquehanna river.
Last edited by DelawareJim; 05-15-2012 at 03:18 PM..

05-15-2012, 03:14 PM
Join Date: May 2005
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Location: Queens, NY, & Madison County NC, US
Age: 45
Posts: 19,374
thats awesome Jim. I saw my first Indigo this past Friday, couldn't get a decent picture of it with my lens (55-200 Nikon), but all the other birds cooperated, even the Scarlet Tanager.
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"
Goblin Market
by Christina Georgina Rossetti

05-15-2012, 03:21 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2007
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Location: Chester County, PA
Posts: 1,284
Tin, what camera body are you using? I use a D80 and I'm pretty happy with it.

05-15-2012, 03:39 PM
Join Date: May 2005
Zone: 7b
Location: Queens, NY, & Madison County NC, US
Age: 45
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"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"
Goblin Market
by Christina Georgina Rossetti

05-15-2012, 05:59 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 6,386
Originally Posted by DelawareJim
Ron, what is your custom setting you refer to?
It's not so much a custom setting as a group of user settings that are custom registered in the camera:
-high shutter speed (1/1000 sec.)
-high speed continuous shooting
-AI Servo mode - the autofocus tracks a moving object
I have these preset and all I have to do is quickly turn the mode dial to C2 and I'm ready to go.
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