Well, I'm happy to say that I'm now an official college graduate. The road getting there was hard, but I've learned a lot over the course of these four years, and I had a lot of fun. When my parents were visiting me two weeks ago, I ended up becoming their unofficial beach guide, bestowed with the task of identifying every organism that had washed up on shore.
I'm hoping to get an intership this summer, since I wasn't able to do one as an undergrad. I also need to find myself a job to make ends meet - we'll see what happens.
Heh...it's been a while since I've last logged onto OB. I'm still recovering from my orchid slump. The pathogens seem to be under control now, but some orchids just don't seem to be growing well (I'm looking at you, you pesky Huntleyas). I think the problem's just that I was trying to grow the wrong plants. So far, I've been doing pretty well with both the Stanhopea and Lycaste alliances, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the said plants will stick around for a long time.