I adopted 2 baby doves. I dont know how it happened but I think mom pushed them out the nest and they still cant fly. But I came home the other day and noticed these little fellas running up and down the sidewalk. All day long back and forth.

Everytime someone walked by there they go down the other side oh no back up the other way. I thought they were getting tired. So I made them a foster nest so they can rest and not have to run up and down the sidewalk all day long

Now I think they got the idea Im going to chew up some worms for em too...made me feel good they moved right in. I think mom is trying to push them out again..heh..I shouldnt interfere I know but I was really worried the guy with the weed wacker would catch em and they need a chance to make more baby birds right?
I got home this morning and they were both there...