I just thought I'd share one of my hibiscus with everyone as it is a sheer delight to me!
It has not stopped blooming since I bought it May 12 of this year and the plant(s) and it's flowers are only getting bigger and even more colorful. I love the brilliant orange against the dark green foilage.
It is like having the Fourth of July everyday!
It is called 'Montego Wind' by the Yoder Brothers (
Yoder Brothers, Inc.) from their TradeWinds Series.
I have also purchased another 2, a white called 'Hurricane Lily' and a pink called 'Belize Breeze' (compact flower) which need some repotting. The pink is blooming but not strongly and the white needs some TLC. These are strong plants, and once they get new soil, they will be as prolific in blooms as it's cousin.