10-11-2011, 10:01 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2006
Zone: 5b
Location: Michigan
Posts: 3,077
Orchids are in need of votes folks!
PATSP (blog "Plants are the Strangest People") is doing a houseplant showdown to determine who is the favorite -- and Phalanopsis is LOSING! To a Monstera deliciosa no less! Are you going to sit still for this!
Cattleyas have already been knocked out of the running -- beaten by Agaves if you can believe it!
Anyone can vote (though it is requested that each person only votes once). Time is almost up for voting in the Phal's round. Go to this site and scroll down to the the Sunday October 9, 2011 match. Come to the Phals' aid will there is still time. Make your voices heard!

Plants are the Strangest People