[QUOTE=Kali Hibiscus;443062]I have over 200 cultivars and some seedlings that have not bloomed yet. I have 2 species of Hibiscus.
Here are some pictures
PS I like the purples/blues and browns mostly
Those are STUNNING!
I'm so thrilled to find your post as I've been searching for those who grow hibiscus. Do you grow them in a container or in a flower bed? I've been growing mine in the container on the balcony and overwintering indoors. The biggest challenge I've been having is with spidermites that seem to love the hibiscus when its inside!

Lost so many blooms while spraying them with insectiside soap yet the buggers always seem to come back.
Also, what do you fertilze it with? Some suggest to use the one for tomatoes with the 3rd number the highest.
Any suggestions are much, much appreciated!