I've always been a fan of preserved figs (whether they were used in jams, baked goods, or candies), but I had never actually tasted a fresh one until a few days ago. When I saw packages of them for sale at a local supermarket, I decided to give them a try. The fruits looked ripe and juicy enough, and they were practically begging to be eaten. Well, when I actually ate a few, I was kinda disappointed. They didn't taste "sweet" per se; I found the taste of fresh figs to be akin to that of water. I asked my mom how to assess their ripeness and, from what she told me, they were perfectly ripe, but I didn't detect any sweetness from them, as in other fresh fruits. Then again, it could be due to the fact that the only figs I've ever eaten were preserved and sweetened.
Mind you, these were Turkey Brown figs. I've been doing a little research and have come across other cultivars, like Celeste and Black Mission, which are allegedly sweeter. What I'd like to know is if there are actually online retailers that sell these fruits (and other tropical fruits, since there are a bunch out there that I'd love to try but are not locally available). Given my lack of space and shady, north-facing conditions, I don't think growing my own figs would be a viable option. I think I'll wait on that thought until I buy my own house.