Thank you for looking and your suggestions everyone. Very much appreciated!
Pinapple Lily is looking promising. But as folks have mentioned I'll have to wait for the blooms.
Should have also mentioned it's definitely a Bulb plant

Although the suggestions have me thinking about other plants.... No must resist the temptation!
I have also added some other shots of the plant from different angles.
Originally Posted by Gage
Looks kinda like a hosta, but also looks like it's in the sun, and I thought hostas were shade plants, so maybe not? Maybe it's related to hostas?
Funny you should mention Hostas as the slug munched leaf in the top of the original picture is a Hosta.

The picture was taken in the morning, by midday/afternoon it gets some shade. Just good morning light
Originally Posted by Kelo
Looks like a Dracena! Has it been outside long?
A few years now. It does look a bit like a Dracena, but I don't think it is
I hope it blooms! Soon!