If I don't like something, I should be More Tolerant.
If you Don't like something You should be more Tolerant.
If I don't like your Race I should be more Tolerant.
If I don't like your Culture I should be more Tolerant.
If I don't like what you are Saying I should be more Tolerant.
If I have Offended you, then YOU should be more tolerant.
If YOU have offended me , then I should be more tolerant.
If we were more Tolerant We would all be so dang happy we couldn't stand it.. WE wouldn't insult or degrade anyone. We would have such pleasant conversations Honey would run out of our mouths..
But that ain't the American way.. I hope you will Tolerate me using the word American. That might be offensive to some one, Like the guys that are trying to Kill Our Solders Over seas. I can't say the word Towel-Heads because that might Offend some one...
No one on this board has ever seen me Personally. And other than the few lines I have written, no one knows me at all. So How do you know that you haven't insulted me or offended me by writing this post. Shouldn't it be deleted because it has been offensive in some way, shape or form?
I do not agree with some of the things that are said on this board but I don't make a big deal out of it. If I don't like it, I stop reading and go to the next post.. Every Post is not for Every Person..
I really like the Orchid Board. I learn a lot about my orchids. I have a lot of respect for all the people on this board and there knowledge. I have Learned to Tolerate some of the (what I consider ) Off Colored Jokes and Words but Nobody is Happy all the time.. The Word for Today is (Be Tolerant)