Air Plants
I'm not sure if this even belongs in this forum, so I apologize if this is in the wrong place! My aunt gave me some air plants and said, "They are easy to grow. Just spray with water twice a week!" That didn't really sound right to me, so I did a search on google and came up with different advice.
I put them in pebbles within a bowl just to keep them standing upright. I soaked it in water for about 1 hour to revive them since they were very dry and stiff to the touch. They were dry again about an hour or so later. I just sprayed them once every 1-2 days in the morning. At the end of the week, I soaked it in a diluted fertilizer solution (1/8 tsp per 1 liter of water) for about an hour and then placed it back on the pebbles. I also check the pebbles to make sure there is no water collecting under the pebbles as they do not like wet feet.
The leaves are drying out and I have no idea what to do to save it. What am I doing wrong? Please let me know how I can save this. Thank you!
My growing conditions:
* Low humidity
* Current Temps: high 80s-low 90s (if sunny); mid 50s at night.
* Use a sheer curtain to give it less light if sunny and remove it if cloudy out.