Thanks for the info, Paul Mc! I have some good sheltered spots and also a very hilly yard so I've got a lot of micro-climates available. If I can keep it cool enough in spring to delay sprouting until after last hard frost I think it'll do well in the ground.
However, while they get somewhat big, they do not tend to stand upright. Perhaps this is just a light issue though.
I would suspect yours is a light issue, Paul. Mine grow completely upright and are very sturdy. They grow on my unsheltered SW facing balconey. They get unobstructed full sun all morning up until about 2pm or so.
Thanks for the info on how they've done in your zone, Paul. I have wondered. I live in an apt so have never had the ability to try them in the ground. They work out great for me as potted plants as they go completely dormant in the winter and so take up next to no space.
Still have one bulb left as I have yet to hear back from Amanda.
Sorry, Sorry. I haven't been on here and there has been a lot of updates! The stinky plant is hopefully still available and hopefully mine! It's a good thing my husband can't smell, hehehehe!!!