Hmm, actually, I guess the title could be a bit mis-leading depending on how excited about these sorts of things you get!
I've just had delivered a counter-top water distiller
I did the costing and worked out that to buy this guy would cost about the amount I'd pay for two years worth of Brita filters (the price of which seem to keep going up!)
The other benefit (aside from fantastic pure water to drink) is that I can use it for the chids, since I've always been reluctant to use the Brita water on them. With the orchid collection growing (my lilies have grown up over the years with my hard tap water and really don't seem to mind) and only one water-butt, this will really help me limit my rain dances to times only when the garden needs it
Therefore, since trying to explain how excited I am about having a new source of both plant and drinking water would get nothing but the indulgent 'smile and nod' treatment from pretty much all my friends, I'm telling you guys instead!
PS since this is the Off Topic place, anything you guys do that gets the 'smile and nod' treatment from others?