Originally Posted by flhiker
I posted this plant in the The Aroid Thread thread.
Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Corpse flower). they flower once a year and for about 24 hours they smell like a dead animal to attract those green fly's.
Dave, that Corpse flower is so cool!
Originally Posted by Jennyfleur
You've said about lithops (and I have a thread of that in here somewhere), so would you count fly traps and sundews? I love my sundews, and they are quite weird when you think about it - could post pics of them ..... ?
Aye, the Lithops is linked to your thread in my top post

Pictures are always good
Originally Posted by Angurek
That Hydnora flower looks like a gaping mouth with teeth.
My contribution to this list is Selaginella lepidophyllum, AKA the Resurrection Fern. I've seen one put in water before...crazy stuff.
Cool pic! And the Hydnora are just plain weird, they kind of remind me also of the Worms from Dune.
I would guess a lot of predatory plants, like Trumpets (Sarracenia), Monkey Cups (Nepenthes) and so on would count as bizarre and very cool!
But anything plant wise that makes you raise an eyebrow in curiosity is always a good start. Perhaps the shape? perhaps the colour of the foliage? Perhaps the scent? Even a combination of all three or maybe something else. Cheers for the contributions thus far everyone
Almost forgot there is also Davallia Bullata (aka Hare's foot or Rabbit's foot fern). I have one myself and at first I thought the thing was fake. The leaves are reasonably standard for a fern, it's the roots though. Hairy and Stiff, and weird claw like habit when potted. My friends think they look like Tarantula legs
Davallia bullata