I recently was tested on what I think may have been a "slamming" attempt (get me to switch phone carrier unknowingly).
Someone supposedly from Verizon called to "confirm" my business account details, and it was going to be recorded "for my protection".
It was explained that they had gotten comments that the prerecorded questions were hard to hear, so the woman "read them to me more clearly" as they were being played, then I was to respond.
After the first few, innocuous questions, i decided I could hear them OK if she would just be quite, so I requested that she let me hear the recording.
She hung up immediately. And I'm quite certain the questions to be answered on the recording were "identical" to those she read. Yeah. Right.
Amazingly enough, I got a similar call from another woman the next day, and when I asked for an umber so I could call her back and verify her being from Verizon, she provided a toll-free number as "proof". That time I hung up.