Beware of scammers.
I just got scammed by someone who claims that they're a reptile breeder and can send rare reptiles.
Beware of anybody who claims that someone named "Cheo Christian" or "Christian Cheo" can help you out with finding rare pets. Especially a douche bag who goes by the screen name "bill1988".
That goes for plants as well.
This piece of scum, and anyone like "him"/"her", will prey on anyone who's desperate, is willing to take risks, and is unaware of this scam.
It is a variation of the African "help me" scams. Apparently they're branching out and finding other ways to rape people of their hard earned cash.
Just in case someone is wondering...
No! They haven't gone away! They still try to do it and occasionally get away with it because it's difficult to catch these chameleons, no matter how lame their attempts appear to be.
Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 01-20-2011 at 07:06 PM..