Yes, I think you did 'Forest Queen'/ 'Faun' very well! I think 'satyr' only refers to males (like Pan), so you're safe from those connotations Dressing up is always such fun though whatever age you are!
The only Halloween festivities I am doing this yr. is going to a corn maze.
I've been super excited as I've never been to one and the one I will be going to is the largest in the Eastern US (12 acres). The downside is, there wasn't a lot of rain this yr. and my father told me he drove by it and it was pretty short. Also someone else said that it was only about 3 ft. tall a few weeks ago.
I've also been thinking that werecats would be way cooler than werewolves.
Normally we just hang out and hand out treats to the lil chirrens, but after my house getting egged last year, I'm sitting on the porch with a 3 million candle power spot beam.
I'm just gonna spend a boring, quiet evening at home. Nothing special for me.
I don't even know if I should bother to buy candy or not. In the two-and-a-half years I've lived on my own, I've never gotten a trick-or-treater. Usually, I'll end up with several huge bags of candy that I have to eat later. Mind you, I love the candy, but I'd rather give it away.
I think we should go orchid shopping for Draculas and Masdies.
Hehe - the ugliest the better! Maybe we should make Halloween Orchid photo contest and/or thread. Where only the "ugly" orchids are allowed to "enter".
I would definitely do the zombie crawl if i would live closer. It would be so much fun to do the make up But I will be at home handing out candy. Sooo stop by... if you dare