You know. Those non-life-threatening obnoxious things that just make you grumble.
I know you have them.

Care to vent with me?
My intermittent companion is an aching right wrist from playing clarinet for years and years without a neck strap. I have a hard ace brace that I'll wear to bed when it flares up, and Poshkitty is terrified of it.
And it's really obnoxious when I have to do repetitive motions like lots of cleaning or typing.
More recently, and comically: I totally socked myself in the nose. Kind of out of it a week ago, and swiped my nose really hard with the car door. WOW. I NEVER want to be punched in the nose. I still can't blow it without wincing. Handy, since allergy season is in full swing.

Anybody else? Let's hear those gripes and grumbles.