Had a great day today put sheetrock celing up in what will be my plane room ....and
I was driving down to the lake to take a break from sheetrock and happened to spot a wind generator on a house enclosed by trees in such a way it would never get enough wind.The Guy that owns the house was out front working on the house and when asked how it was doing for him tole me....LOL the only way Ill ever get power from that is to put it on top the truck and drive down the road.LMAO I said you wouldnt want to sell it woud you ? He instantlty said how much will yo give me...I asked do I get the tower too and he said yep all of it controller tower and windgen....
I am totaly into green power and ran my house solar for 6 years untill ilness forced me to sell the system to keep bills paid untill thinghs settled down so I always wanted a wind gen to go with but couldnt afford one....
I got this for about 3 hundred less than the wind gen alone would cost and it is still under warrenty....whoo hooo