Request for prayer for my Grandparents
I feel rather strange asking this, but I would like to ask you guys to pay for my Grandparents (called Peter & Mille)
My Grandma has suffered from Alzheimer's for a few years and become completely reliant on my Grandad. In the last few days she has suffered a mild stroke and on top of that Grandad has had food poisoning and can't care for her any more.
It is thought that Grandma is likely to suffer further strokes in the next few days, because once they start is someone her age this is what often happens.
It's a bank holiday (public holiday) tomorrow and because of that she can't go to the local hospital. My Grandad does not want her to go to the one in the nearest big town and so she is still at home and my aunt (who is a trained nurse) is helping until she can go to the local one on Tuesday. It's not known if she will ever be able to come home again as it is unlikely that my Grandad will be able to care for her now even when he has recovered from the food poisoning.
I would like to ask for prayers for Grandma to be comfortable and content (since she got Alzheimer's she has a tendency to get very worried when Grandad is not with her). Also for Grandad who has to cope with letting her go to the hospital when she may not come back. Also for all our family, especially my Dad and his sister.
I hope no-one minds me posting this. I just really want to ask for your prayers.
Last edited by RosieC; 08-29-2010 at 12:00 PM..