Thanks again everyone. The news is mixed.
My Dad says both of them are brighter today but not good. Neither has had to go to hospital today but my Grandad may have had Salmonella which is nasty at the best of times and in someone his age can be even worse and he's still not well.
My Grandma may not have had a stroke after all, but rather a Urinary infection which apparently can mimic a stroke sometimes. She also has severe constipation high up in the bowl. I would feel encouraged by this 'not a stroke' news if it was not for the fact that the elderly Mum of a colleague died last week following exactly the conditions they now say my Grandma has.
My Aunt (who is a trained nurse and recently works mostly with the elderly) is not having to stay with them overnight now but is with them every day. She has called Doctors in a couple of times yesterday (despite the public holiday) and was able to get them the drugs she and the Doctors agreed on for my Grandma. One nice thing was that one of the 'On-Call' doctors yesterday was a Christian and also prayed with them.
Apparently they have also had their 'care package' from the local hospital increased, which means more carers for more hours every day. The hospital would like to avoid them being admitted if possible.
Not sure if I'm more worried, or less with this latest news