Originally Posted by flhiker
Thanks Dave, but I did a lot of research on weevils last year when they were eating my chid blooms and orange tree leaves.
This guy doesn't resemble them. For one thing he didn't have the tell-tale snout and hard body. He wasn't ingesting the vegetation either and weevils have the habit of notching the perimeter of leaves and folding them over for nests. Weevils are voracious eaters.
This ugly guy was all by himself and wasn't doing any of those things. He was just harmlessly sitting there. He could be something that eats caterpillars or red spider mites because that's what did all the existing damage to the leaves. I suspect he's not reached the mature stage of whatever he is.
I'm not completely convinced he's a spider either.
Camille has a lot of knowledge about bugs. Perhaps she'll see this post and chime in with more suggestions.
Thanks again for contributing your suggestions.