Aquilegias are my favorite garden flower- and I didn't really realize that I had built up a collection until earlier this spring! So all of them (that have bloomed) have gotten gussied up and photographed.
I think their flowers are so unique- and the foliage is lovely even when they're not blooming. Plus, they're one of the few flowers that actually thrives in CO's harsh desert climate.

Hence them being our state flower.
I'll post some of my favorites here, but you can see the rest on my album on this board-
Or on my Flickr photostream (better quality)-
Flickr: Mountain.Musician's Photostream
(give me a moment, I'm trying some new techniques with uploading)
My longtime favorite- Aquilegia Spring Magic 'Rose & Ivory'
Aquilegia Songbird 'Bluebird'
Aquilegia 'Origami Blue & White'
The oldest- a noid (aka, Aquilegia hybrida)
My only species so far- Aquilegia canadensis 'Little Lanterns'
Aquilegia 'Biedermeier'