I had always dismissed that, since they hate stuff on their leaves, and alcohol being dehydrating anyways, but I guess it's worth a try at this point!
well if your going to try that route then I would spray a AV plant with a systemic like bayer insect disease and mite control or something similar not alcohol it wont need a second spray or shouldnt anyway being systemic and a contact both in one product....
I used a Bayer systemic with Imidclorprid, the one for roses and I used as directed it killed a bunc of my mango saplings about 1 year old. Only one survived, and it was not my favorite. I used at the dilution suggested. I wonder if it needs less concentration for potted plants. The plants wilted weeks later and i repotted/ flushed / changed the soil. Killed many. Maybe a rose shrub requires more. I think it would burn an African Violet's roots. I would be careful. There is a Bionide version for houseplants. I used it in the past, no problems
the problem it may take a month before you see any adverse effects from the systemic. I would look for Bionide systemic for houseplants . maybe has a lower concentration. The one that caused problems was a liquid one. There is also one you mix with the soil.
Anyway I would put the AV violet in some outdoor spot with morning sun. Sun and wind most likely will kill the mold.