hehe... I just gave away my kenwood with 200 cd changer - CDs such a relic from the past My JVC in the basement still cranking surround sound on the 62" HD Though now with the baby, sub is turned almost all the way down...sigh... It will be cool to have music on the patio - just bring the remote and turn the patio zone on..sweet - A, ya - gotta build the patio this spring first though
How is that Nuvo thing any different than my 3 T.V.s and about 14 sound systems That I don't even listen to most of the time. Just had to have the latest gadget...
i do not go anywhere with out it. i thought the mp3 player was just added crap as it turns out i download my music on to a sd card and put it in and listen to that (i can not stand radio stations). i can sit at home pull up a city like ottsville pa (home of parkside and orchid fest) and look at all restaruants, hotels etc and with a saver card i get discounts at any participating place. it will automatically recalculate your route if you make a wrong turn, gives you a estimated time of arrival and is within a minute upon arrival. bluetooth capabilities allows handsfree phone it will dial your number has a built in mic so you just talk normal no holding the phone period. creen automatically adjust from day time to night for best veiwing even in bright sun. only time i have lost a signal on it is going thru the tunnels in pittsburgh. built in lock feature that will not unlock unless you know your pin or take it to your safe point (house) if it is stolen it can not be used if you have the lock activated.if someone does steal it and calls garmin to help out they will go by the serial number and report it to the police as to its whereabouts. by the way did i tell you i really like mine
I think there is not much difference between yours and my Garmin except software. That's why I opted for the Garmin. City Streets navigator is about the most accurate software for my situation. By the way, did I tell you I like mine?
I have the Garmin Legend Cx, and it is really good for car trips and hikes. The unit is portable, lightweight, and waterproof. The GPS unit costs about $290...